
Blue Book - February 1948
English | 148 pages | PDF | 36.5 mb
A Complete Book-Length Novel
- This Land Is Ours By Oscar Schisgall 96
A colorful story of the West, and its Nationl Parks and cattle-men today.
A Novelette
- The Mask of Noh By William Brandon 130
An Army intelligence officer in Japan deals with a reverie double-cross in a malter of stolen pearls.
Ten Short Stories
- The Big Hitch By Robert Barbour Johnson 2
A modern circus with its tractors learns to apprecil#e its fine old MtJ/t horses.
- The Broad-Brimmed Hat By Charles Ellsworth 12
A millwright journeys West, young man, and invents something new.
- King Bones By Bill Goode 22
He looked like a mongrel but made history on the Florida dog tracks.
- We're Coming Through! By Arch Whitehouse 35
A moving and subtle drama ofthe airplanes over the Alidwest.
- The Ladies By Georges Surdez 42
The author of'Homeland" returns to the ForNgn Legion in this story.
- Starlet in Jeopardy By Joel Reeve 48
Home from Hollywood to the Old Neighborhood, she is kidnaped.
- The Cup Comes Home By H Bedford-Jones 58
Round the Hwn for China, the good ship Martha picks up castaways.
- The Pastel Production Line By John D. MacDonald 76
A factory trouble-shooter is saddled with 11 Man of Vision from Washington.
- The Shipmate Spirit By Frederick and P. G. Bell 83
When an outbound Navy ship needs stores, she gets them.
- Calling All Cars! By Karl Detzer 90
He called far more cars than existed—and thereby got his man.
Stories of Fact and Experiment
- New Evidence By Cornell Greening and Richard Match 19
- Curious circumstances in the life, of John Wilkes Booth just before his crime.
- Combat Team By Colonel Rupert D. Graves 66
The Battle of the Bulge concludes the fighting care., of the 517th Airborne.
- Washington Lives in His Ledgers By Fairfax Downey 75
He recorded the expenses for spies—and his accounts balanced.
Special Features
- Centenary of the Washington Monument 56
- Old prints from Three Lions, Schoenfeld Collection.
- Sport Spurts By Harold Helfer 82
- The Fireman's Dilemma By Peter Wells 144
Written, engrossed illuminated by the artist-author.