
How it Works: Human Body Myths Busted (3rd Ed) - August 2019
English | 166 pages | PDF | 105 mb
MYTHS ABOUT DIET AND nutrition have always been around, but I feel there has been a surge in recent years. Media attention to diet has also exploded, so it can often feel as if we are living under a huge blanket of conflicting and contrasting advice about what we should and shouldn't eat. Diet fads come and go, as do celebrity 'experts', but our enthusiasm for the latest diet trend never wanes. In addition, there is much more coverage of nutritional science in the media, with, for example, studies on the effect of oily fish on conditions like Alzheimer's often making the front pages of national newspapers.
By contrast, studies from other areas of scientific research hardly ever make it into the newspapers.
I hope this book goes some way to explaining away the most commonly held myths and showing you why it's important to do so. - Dr Sarah Schenker
8 GUT FEELINGS - Myths relating to digestion, gluten, dairy and probiotics
30 GIVE YOURSELF A BOOST - Myths relating to your metabolism
42 ALL ABOUT BALANCE - Myths relating to energy
56 STAYING HYDRATED - Myths relating to water consumption, thirst and dehydrating 
64 SWEET ENOUGH - Myths relating to foods containing carbohydrates and sugar, plus Gl
76 EAT FAT, GET FAT - Myths relating to the consumption of fats and high-cholesterol foods
86 THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE - Myths relating to the consumption of protein
96 THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY - Myths relating to breakfast
102 SO-CALLED SUPER FOODS AND OTHER MYTHS - Myths relating to specific foods and ingredients
122 CUT IT OUT - Myths relating to meat and dairy
136 WORK IT OUT - Myths relating to exercise |