
The Complete Photography Manual - December 2019
English | 196 pages | PDF | 181 mb
Cameras are everywhere: on our phones, on our computers, even in items of jewellery and clothing; but despite this many people are still mystified by them. With new technology, sophisticated new features, and even entirely new types of camera appearing every few months, the ever-changing world of digital photography can seem pretty daunting, especially to the beginner.
If you're interested in photography as a more serious hobby or just someone who takes pictures of friends and family and the occasional holiday snap, thisguide can help. We will outline the main camera types and then take you through some of the essential basic camera craft that is the foundation of any good photography. This includes details about shutter speed and camera shake, focusing, metering and aperture and depth of field.
Then we will take you on to some more varied photographic projects that cover a broad range of creative and technical disciplines. Discover howtoget more out your landscape images and developyour skills as a portrait photographer. We even cover HDR, Infrared and black and white photography so you will have plenty of creative ideas to try out. Photography should not be viewed as some dark art only performed by photographic wizards. Photography is a very accessible and fun skill to develop. We hope that this collection of both technical and creative information will helpyoutake your photography to levels you never thought possible before.
Getting started
8-9 Types of digital cameras
10-11 Decisions, Decisions
12-13 DSLR and CSC lenses
14-15 Tripods
Using your camera
18-19 Basic composition
20-23 Exposure and metering
24-25 Focusing
26-29 Shutter speed and camera shake and more...
Creative projects
46-51 Forced perspective and optical illusion
52-55 Up in smoke!
56-57 Action and sports
58-65 HDR photography
66-69 Pet photography nd more...
Blackand white photography
108-109 Black and white core concepts
110-111 Seeing in black and white
112-115 Blackand white shooting guide
116-121 High-key portrait
122-127 Low-key portraiture
Landscape photography
130-137 Landscape photography tips
138-143 Rural and natural landscapes
144-149 Coastal and seaside landscapes
150-153 Filters for landscape photography and more...
Portrait photography
164-167 Portrait photography tips
168-175 Setting up a home studio
176-185 Model photography
186-191 Let there be lights
192-193 Glossary |