Arquivo | Tamanho |
.pad/0 | 881.99 kB |
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.pad/10 | 271.99 kB |
.pad/11 | 297.59 kB |
.pad/12 | 360.21 kB |
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.pad/14 | 783.26 kB |
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.pad/16 | 816.88 kB |
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.pad/18 | 272.16 kB |
.pad/19 | 213.24 kB |
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.pad/28 | 43.27 kB |
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.pad/3 | 583.00 kB |
.pad/30 | 316.96 kB |
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.pad/33 | 631.33 kB |
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.pad/36 | 35.03 kB |
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.pad/44 | 781.13 kB |
.pad/5 | 365.45 kB |
.pad/6 | 667.11 kB |
.pad/7 | 597.11 kB |
.pad/8 | 163.62 kB |
.pad/9 | 2.11 kB | | 63.00 B |
[TGx]Downloaded from .txt | 585.00 B |
[] - Offensive Rust/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 | 49.78 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/10. Named Pipes/1. Windows Named Pipes.mp4 | 264.92 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/11. Intro to WINAPI/1. MessageBoxA and MessageBoxW.mp4 | 159.24 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/11. Intro to WINAPI/2. UNICODE_STRING structure.mp4 | 108.31 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/11. Intro to WINAPI/3. OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure.mp4 | 79.69 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/1. Writing our own FillStructureFromArray function.mp4 | 111.33 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/2. Writing our own FillStructureFromMemory function.mp4 | 77.02 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/3. Parsing DOS Header.mp4 | 200.42 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/4. Parsing NT Header.mp4 | 181.00 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/5. Mapping sections.mp4 | 179.73 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/6. Fixing Imports.mp4 | 306.61 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/7. Fixing Base Relocations.mp4 | 135.63 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/12. Writing a PE Loader/8. Testing Metasploit Payloads.mp4 | 56.34 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/13. Process Hollowing/1. CreateProcess API.mp4 | 64.97 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/13. Process Hollowing/2. Process Hollowing.mp4 | 151.36 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/14. Patching AMSI/1. Patching AMSI Scan Buffer.mp4 | 70.72 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/15. API Hashing/1. GetProcAddress without GetProcAddress.mp4 | 240.64 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/15. API Hashing/2. API Hashing.mp4 | 128.73 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/16. API Hooking/1. Local API Hooking.mp4 | 238.35 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/17. IAT Hooking/1. IAT Hooking.mp4 | 171.71 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/18. Hiding any process from Task Manager/1. Enumerating Processes with NtQuerySystemInformation.mp4 | 314.14 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/18. Hiding any process from Task Manager/2. Hiding any process from Task Manager by hooking NtQuerySystemInformation.mp4 | 121.15 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/19. NTFS Transactions/1. NTFS Transactions.mp4 | 164.65 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/2. Setting up Rust Environment/1. Installing Rust and Hello World.mp4 | 52.97 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/2. Setting up Rust Environment/2. Rust Formatter.mp4 | 7.77 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/2. Setting up Rust Environment/3. Compiling to 32bit and 64bit programs.mp4 | 49.12 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/20. Process Doppelganging/1. process doppelganging.mp4 | 161.97 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/21. PPID Spoofing/1. ppid spoofing.mp4 | 198.84 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/22. Github repo/1. github repo.html | 77.00 B |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/1. Variables and shadowing.mp4 | 80.78 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/2. Operators and Loops.mp4 | 103.79 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/3. Arrays, Vectors and Strings.mp4 | 313.77 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/4. References, Ownership and Borrowing.mp4 | 123.66 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/5. Reading User Input.mp4 | 66.48 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/6. Command Line Arguments.mp4 | 37.26 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/7. Functions.mp4 | 95.28 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/3. Rust Fundamentals/8. Pointers.mp4 | 145.20 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/4. Active Directory Enumeration/1. Connecting to Ldap3 and retrieving user information.mp4 | 90.96 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/5. OS Command Execution/1. Executing OS Commands.mp4 | 74.63 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/6. Reverse Shell in Rust/1. Rust reverse shell.mp4 | 273.43 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/7. Shellcode Injection/1. Executing shellcode via function pointer.mp4 | 55.09 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/7. Shellcode Injection/2. Shellcode Runner using Windows API.mp4 | 124.79 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/7. Shellcode Injection/3. Remote Shellcode Injection.mp4 | 92.93 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/8. DLL Injection/1. DLL Injection theory.mp4 | 26.24 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/8. DLL Injection/2. DLL Injection in remote process.mp4 | 115.53 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/9. DLL Proxying Forwarding/1. Generating a DLL.mp4 | 36.41 MB |
[] - Offensive Rust/9. DLL Proxying Forwarding/2. Proxying a DLL function from malicious dll to legit dll.mp4 | 74.38 MB |