تحميل PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.3.1.387 Multilingual Pre-Activated [FTUApps] torrent - GloDLS
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PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.3.1.387 Multilingual Pre-Activated [FTUApps]

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اسم:PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.3.1.387 Multilingual Pre-Activated [FTUApps]

Genuine cracked applications direct from the scene group.
A Team-FTU project!

Multilingual | 32bit / 64bit | PreActivated | RePack

PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.3.1.387 Multilingual Pre-Activated [FTUApps]

The smallest, fastest, most feature-rich PDF editor/viewer available! Create, View, Edit, Annotate, OCR and Digitally Sign PDF files plus much more.. Designed for anyone from home users to large corporate environments that wish to View/Edit/Modify and even OCR Image based PDF files on their Windows PC's.

The PDF-XChange Editor is smaller, faster and more feature rich than any other FREE PDF Reader/ PDF Viewer/ PDF Editor available on the market. This free pdf editor download also allows users to try the extended functionality offered by the licensed PDF-XChange Editor in evaluation mode - for free. No PDF reader or Viewer offers more features than PDF-XChange - or does so without compromising performance, quality or security. Checkout the feature list below and save $100's in unnecessary expenditure on your PDF software solution today.

Advanced features:
. PDF-XChange Editor Plus only) Create and Edit Fillable PDF Forms
. PDF-XChange Editor Plus only) Create and Edit Dynamic Stamps
. Convert PDF to MSPowerPoint. format
. Reduce PDF file size by Image compression/downsampling & embed/unembed Font, PDF Optimization
. Advanced PDF Bookmark creation and management
. Direct Content Editing (Paths & Images)
. Combine PDFs open/closed pdfs
. Import Directly from XPS and other support formats
. Header & Footer Support
. Bates Numbering
. Delete Pages
. Move Pages - By Drag&drop in Thumbnails View.
. Insert/Import Pages (from existing PDF files)
. Extract pages to a new file (PDF or Image format - 15 formats supported)
. Crop Pages/Files
. Flatten Annotations/Comments
. Insert Blank page
. Summarize Comments
. Export Comments
. Scan Direct to PDF (now with inline OCR option during scanning process)
. Create PDF documents from text and RTF files
. Convert 15 supported image formats to PDF
. Extended Digital Signature Support (incl. Time Stamps)
. Security Profiles (for adding security to documents conveniently)
. Improved Browser Plug-ins to reduce compatibility issues
. and much more...

General information:
Type: installation
Languages: Russian, english, multi
Treatment: Preactivated (PDF unlocking available)
Added: Russian and Ukrainian OCR modules
Cut: auto-update and licensing modules
Cut: OCR modules except ENG, RUS, UKR (available for download online )
Cut out: spell checking modules except ENG/RUS/UKR

Command line parameters:
Silent installation: /S
Select installation location: /D=PATH

The /D=PATH key should be specified as the latest
For example: installation_file.exe /S /D=C: \MyProgram

What's New:
- https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editor/history

Operating System:
- Windows 11, 10, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)

Homepage: https://www.tracker-software.com/

Run predone setup, install & Enjoy, No activation required / Instruction is Included in the folder!

AntiVirus Scanned Result for User-End >>>
Setup: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ef07e162ff6b1e0b08760e0f7346e45c2f99e2ed692a51ee7baa30a85edbeea7/detection

- Read the False-Positive Infection guidance on web, get knowledge before making noise!

!! NOTE !! Always check it's FTUApps release! Avoid FAKE!
Our Aim is to provide cleanest, harmless applications with tested app screenshot!

يوتيوب فيديو:
اللغة:English  English
إجمالي حجم:240.61 MB
تجزئة المعلومات:51701A1EE43C74D6F4EB4F00FCBC96AC957E1001
وأضاف بها:Prom3th3uS Super AdministratorMovie PirateVIP
تاريخ الإضافة:2024-06-25 06:27:25
سيل مركز:Torrent Verified by Prom3th3uS Super AdministratorMovie PirateVIP on 28th September, 2024

تصنيفات:Not Yet Rated (Log in to rate it)


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