تحميل Udemy - Cypress -Modern Automation Testing from Scratch + Framework torrent - GloDLS
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Udemy - Cypress -Modern Automation Testing from Scratch + Framework

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اسم:Udemy - Cypress -Modern Automation Testing from Scratch + Framework


Course Updated with Cypress V5 BDD Framework on Nov 21st ( Next Update – Cypress + DB Integration Videos on Dec 12th)

Cypress – The most Buzzing word in Automation world which is expected to play a key role in  future  for its fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
Because of its Architectural design, Cypress comes with out of box capabilities to bring Stable Automation results for all Modern Web Apps.
It also have the ability to perform Integration testing by mocking incoming network responses
For Test Debugging, Cypress takes Screenshot by default for every test step and generate execution Mp4 video after every test run ..
There are many more WOW Factors like above which you will come across in Training.

These top class  videos are completely designed from scratch  using many real time examples with in detail explanation on each and every concept of Cypress along with Framework design best Practices

And I Bet! On course Completion You can develop Cypress Automation framework on your own or crack any Cypress related interviews.

Below is the course Content we Cover:

Introduction to Cypress
Cypress Architecture
Cypress Installation & Project Setup
Cypress Test Runner features
Command line arguments for Cypress
Cypress Basic Commands for Automation
Cypress & Jquery combination
UI Automation (Checkboxes,Radio buttons, Editboxes,Dropdowns with Cypress)
Handling Popups,Alerts using Cypress
Handling Child windows and Frames with Cypress
Cypress Assertions in detail
Cypress Framework Best Practises
Cypress Fixtures and Custom commands
Page object Design pattern with Cypress tests
Test Parameterization and Data driven with Cypre
Configuration properties and environmental variables discussion
Cypress Dashboard features with video recording and Screenshots
Building npm scripts and Integrating Cypress framework into Jenkins
Cypress Cucumber BDD Integration
Cucumber Data Driven, Tagging, Hooks, HTML reporting features for Cypress Tests
XHR Testing with Cypress
Mocking API calls with Cypress Route commands
Javascript Basics

Wish you all the Best! See you all in the course with above topics
Who this course is for:

   Automation Engineers
   Software Engineers
   Manual testers
   Software developers


   Basic Understanding of any Automation tool helps but NOT mandatory requirement.
   Theoretical Material,Code dump and Interview Guide are available for download

Last Updated 11/2020
يوتيوب فيديو:
اللغة:English  English
إجمالي حجم:8.00 GB
تجزئة المعلومات:B4C142D67947B676689D765F6EB405C86ECDCD18
وأضاف بها:tutsnode Verified UploaderVIP
تاريخ الإضافة:2020-12-07 19:11:06
سيل مركز:Torrent Verified

تصنيفات:Not Yet Rated (Log in to rate it)


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